FAQ & Myths

I am scared of, and do not understand what hypnosis is.

The NHS definition (10 February 2021) is “Hypnotherapy uses hypnosis to try to treat conditions or change habits.

It is a recognised technique that allows us to relax and tap into our subconscious and work on the necessary areas. You have experienced hypnosis already, when you "daydream". It is exactly that feeling of being as you are, not at all feeling asleep, as many describe, and relaxing too.

Do you offer different services?

I offer different services, some under hypnosis, like RTT®, wellbeing, relaxation, therapeutic boost, and group work, some without hypnosis, like parenting, teenage behaviour support, and mentoring.

Session lengths are decided to suit your needs. Bespoke packages are offered.

Which methods and techniques do we use?

In an RTT® session, all I use is pure RTT® tools, so discovery call, intake, induction, deepeners, scenes, all mandatory tools, and then on, whichever tool is needed, as and when they are needed, as the tools are tailored to your needs.

In a parenting or a discussion about your child session, I use evidence-based parenting techniques, solution-focused, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), talking therapy, as per my parenting consultant years and 14 years experience in youth offending and crisis work in social care.

How many sessions do I need?

If we are doing RTT®, each big issue is up to 3 sessions needed. We can discuss that in your discovery call, to give you an idea.

If it is parenting and teenage support, an assessment is needed first, before we can give you an idea of how many sessions are needed. If one offs/early issues, normally 1 to 3 sessions.

How long does each therapy session take?

Rest assured the time goes really quickly when under hypnosis. After all, it is a deep state of relaxation.

There are different options.

What happens in a hypnotherapy session?

There are different types of hypnotherapy, and different ways of hypnotising someone.

Many hypnotists hypnotise taking up to 45 minutes to hypnotise you, and they do not work on the root cause. As relaxing as it may be, you can pay up to £200 an hour for a little bit of relaxation and no result regarding your issue.

I am a trained hypnotherapist, I use hypnosis to help you work on your issues, and teach you how to use hypnosis to relax too, as and when needed, and that is for life.

I use a rapid induction, which means that in less than 4 minutes, you are in a state of hypnosis. I am trained in instant hypnosis too, this is not a method I do use for RTT®.

Once you have established what your presenting problem is, (note that your presenting issue may have an impact on several other symptoms of yours, so we ensure we really have that main presenting problem), what you hope to achieve, and we agree what methods we will use. This is the intake.

Once all the necessary and relevant information have been gathered, I need you to think about what you wish to achieve. I will explain it to you in full at the end of your intake. This gives me all the information you need me to incorporate in your transformation and recording.

We then arrange the session.

On the day of the session, we revisit your intake and ensure that all is still exactly what you would like to work on.

We do "housekeeping" in order to avoid issues in the session, i.e. your landline ringing.

And then, the magic of RTT® begins.

After a rapid induction and deepeners, I will show you how powerful your mind is, and how you are so responsive in hypnosis.

This all leads you into a deeply relaxed state – most people feel refreshed and relaxed, calm and content.

I will guide you, so you review scenes that are the reasons for your presenting problem.

I guide you and you establish the root cause, and I use our agreed methods to help you towards your goals – for example, suggesting that you do not want to carry out a certain habit, or letting go of it.

We then reframe, and do your transformation, which I record (you do not need to remember any of this, I do explain it all as I go along).

At the end of your transformation, I gradually bring you out of the trance-like state. Most people feel elated, free, weightless, empty of burden, refreshed and relaxed, calm, collected, full of happiness, jumping up and down with how they are now feeling.

You're fully in control when under hypnosis and do not have to take on the therapist's suggestions if you do not want to.

If necessary, you can bring yourself out of the hypnotic state.

Hypnosis does not work if you do not want to be hypnotised.

Which methods and techniques do we use?

In an RTT® session, all I use is pure RTT® tools, so discovery call, intake, induction, deepeners, scenes, all mandatory tools, and then on, whichever tool is needed, as and when they are needed, as the tools are tailored to your needs.

In a parenting or a discussion about your child session, I use evidence-based parenting techniques, solution-focused, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), talking therapy, as per my parenting consultant years and 14 years experience in youth offending and crisis work in social care.

One of my fears is my therapist not understanding my presentation or having experience to treat my presentation.

We do a discovery call and a full intake, and revisit it just before the session. I also ask questions and verify I understood you correctly. Thankfully, having been a practitioner for a long time, I am used to assessing and making decisions on the spot, and this is a tremendous benefit in assessing for RTT® too.

I have concerns/fears that regression would be traumatic rather than therapeutic, and how will it allow me to understand the root cause of my presentation.

We are reviewing, never reliving the past, and I will keep reassuring you throughout the session about it. My role is to ensure you feel safe to explore this root cause and address it. Some clients have had a huge sense of relief as soon as we have finished the scenes.

Trust the process, this is one of the many reasons as to why RTT® is a multi-awarded therapy.

I am concerned I will not have time to listen to my transformation recording, and it being impactful and bringing the change I was hoping for.

I truly believe that when one wants to, we can. Furthermore, when you know that your recording is as high as 40% of your overall permanent success, one can commit to it for at least 21 days. For many clients, by having that impactful session, this will give you the motivation to listen to your transformation recording daily, as you will see the benefits of change, and feel empowered by it. Many clients put it on loop, so they listen to it through the night.

Again, as said previously, this session and your recording is an investment in yourself and your wellbeing. If you are not committed to listen to your recording for 21 days, when you may have struggled for up to your lifetime, up to the time you accessed RTT®, then perhaps you are not ready?

I am scared you will make me do something weird for ever?

I can not, and certainly would never make anyone do anything they do not wish to.


I am scared that I would not be left with a tool box/skills to help myself if I struggled in the future.

You are left with many different techniques to self-help in the future, and we ensure you know how to use and adapt those in the follow up calls, and I am available if you want further support, of course.

How does it feel to be under hypnosis for RTT®?

Clients state it is very different to other hypnotists they have experienced before.

People expect to be sleeping. If you were sleeping, I would bring you back up, so we can do the necessary work. Of course, we could do a session of giving you a great sleep, but is that what you want? My completely personalised recording will help you with sleep in any case, and that is yours to keep. I send it to you via Whatsapp or any other method suitable for you to access.

Why does RTT® require being under hypnosis?

Hypnosis gives us the power to get to the root cause immediately, and we can work on it in the first session, which we can not do in long talk therapy. You probably have tried therapy previously, and your issues are still niggling at you.

"RTT® is therapy on steroids!", Marisa Peer rightfully states.

What if RTT® is not effective in resolving my responses to childhood trauma.

Like with long talking therapy, there are no guarantees, but I assess effectively to ensure that you are a good candidate for success and best outcomes.

If I do not think that you would benefit from a RTT® session, or a colleague of mine was more suited to you, I would offer you their details and the reason as to why I feel they are a better therapist-client match for you. It could be that this therapist specialises in your presenting problem too, so you get the choice.

I have studied and deliver RTT® for the specific results we get with RTT®. I am proud that I have had fabulous results from RTT sessions and have testimonials, we are working on client videos currently.

A lot of my referrals are from word of mouth, and due to someone noticing the changes in a RTT® client. They get talking, I get a request and the ball starts rolling from there.

RTT® therapy is much shorter in length than traditional talking therapies, so would it have the desired impact?

RTT® is going straight to the root cause and we then effectively work on the issues one by one, this allows a much quicker permanent result.

Myth: Hypnosis can be bad for your health.


It is actually quite the opposite.

Many medical boards around the globe have already recognised the power and benefits of hypnosis.

More and more medical practitioners do agree on the health benefits of deep relaxation, and hypnosis.

One of the problems with a lot of doctors/med practitioners is that they tell people that they need to learn to relax, but they never really give them the tools for learning and practicing how to relax.

Hypnosis is a relaxation state. Relaxation helps to bring about a homeostatic balance – a balance within the system, of mind, body and soul, emotionally and physically. Hypnosis is a naturally occurring state, so if you want to feel in balance within yourself and the world around you, it is the best state to be in.

Myth: Only gullible people can be hypnotised.


Though some people are more 'suggestible' in hypnosis than others, people with a vivid imagination are often especially open to suggestion. Most people can be successfully hypnotised.

It is, however, difficult to predict who will be more 'suggestible'.

Myth: Hypnosis is mind control.


A person undergoing hypnosis is participating by choice and is fully in control of themselves. They have the ability to take themselves out of the hypnotic state if they choose to by simply opening their eyes. A hypnotherapist cannot make someone do anything that would go against their core values.

Myth: The hypnotherapist can make me do things without my knowledge or consent, and I will not remember any of it.


A hypnotherapist can't make you do anything against your will. Any of us can come out of hypnosis anytime we want, so especially if we were "told" something unethical, we would bring ourself round straight away.

Stage hypnotists will invite volunteers from the audience to get up on stage, and pre-hypnotise them all. Those people are consenting to being hypnotised. Those specific volunteers agree to being directed to stage hypnosis conditions, like being a chicken, Saturday night dancing when a bell rings etc. Only a very small proportion of those volunteers are “suitable candidates” to be stage candidates. Most of us would not partake in this, I know I would not, but each to their own.

I am not a stage hypnotist, I am a trained and certified hypnotherapist, with very strong ethics, working toward being a Clinical hypnotherapist. I use hypnosis for beneficial results only.

Myth: I might be stuck in hypnosis & not come out of it.


It is impossible for anyone to be stuck in hypnosis.

Hypnosis is a natural and normal state that we all dip in and out of on a daily basis, so not only is it a state which is completely normal and familiar to us, this happens so regularly throughout our day, we barely notice it.

You have experienced a time when driving to a place and finding that you have not noticed getting there.

This is a natural state of trance, or hypnosis. This can also happen when reading a book, or watching a programme, where you suddenly realise you have missed out a chunk of "the action". That is again natural hypnosis.

You could actually fall asleep while in hypnosis, and as we are working on your root cause, I would bring you into a lighter state of hypnosis, which is a communicative state of hypnosis, and carry on the session.